Sensei Guidance

Let's plant the seeds of joy & self-improvement in people's lives. (New Human Revolution #63)

Thursday, 24 May 2007

Orlando and Ikeda Sensei

This is a post i posted in my previous blog in Sept 2006, which i never log in for 5 months. With this new blog, i want to move some of the post into here to keep reminding myself on my thoughts and vows in the past. Keep encouraging myself and see how far i have change since then. Hoping this wil encourage you as well.

On July 30,2006, Orlando Bloom meets Sensei in Japan. They have a short dialogue together and it's very inspiring. Knowing Orlando get his Gohonzon in 2004, I'm still not very sure that this Hollywoodstar is actually being serious in Gakkai. But after reading this wonderful encounter, i'm very happy that around the world, we have so many wonderful comrades in striving forward in Kosen-rufu. They talk about culture, arts & environment. Here is a beautiful poem by Orli to Sensei,

Dear Sensei,
With the sword of the Lotus Sutra
at my side,
With integrity as my staff,
with you and all the Buddhas of
the ten directions as my mentor,
With kosen-rufu as my goal, I will
climb the mountainous path of the
Mystic Law until I gaze out from the peak.
There I will ready myself with gratitude
for the next adventure.
I look forward to climbing many mountains
lifetime after lifetime at your side.
Sincerely, your disciple and friend,

How inspiring. In the meeting Sensei also told Orli that, "Your victory is also your mother’s victory. Your mother is truly great. Please give my best regards to her." She chanted and encourage him when he had a bad injury in his back that the doctor said he might not be walking again. Sensei is always very caring and cherish each member no matter you are famous or not. He always says, Members that are striving as a Buddha and they are worthy respect. Seeing members around the world and Malaysia striving for the world in their own position and with their inner potential, winning challenge after challenge, making me feel very proud as a Soka Gakkai member and Nichiren Daishonin's Buddhism practitioner. I want to contribute to society as well. All members have their own inspiring stories to tell, each of them is the story of happiness, hope and courage winning in life, including my mother's story. And One day, I'll be writing my own winning history too. Other famous Gakkai members are Tina Turner (Singer) and Roberto Baggio (footballer), which also have their heart warming story. "Buddhism is action and the essence of Buddhism lies in the practice of revering others."
My mission is become clearer day by day through my involvement in Gakkai activities. Great challange awaits me, and I will take it as a chance to develop a better me. I just started a small revolution or plan for our chapter Junior Division meeting. The meeting are getting more & more boring and lost it's focus. So this month, we will be conducting it in a fun and fresh way. Also next month, I'll be conducting a Culture & Arts Station presentation to all CAS member. It's a challenge to present in front of leaders. So I like to called it "sharing" like what I did in school & Junior Div meetings. And Soon, by next year, I'll be promoted to Han. I got my chance to strive with other members and train myself along the way. I will do my best I can to Win in Gakkai and studies.
This few weeks i'm getting a little lazy, so I need to keep on reminding myself on my mission in life and Kosen-rufu. Reading lots of books like Flow and Gosho but I just read it but didn't read it by heart. So, now I have to take down notes so that I can remember them better. Keep the fresh spirit each day & Continue challenge myself. Gambate !! Cheers to all.



like the sun the rises in the east, eliminates all darkness and sorrow in this world... that is our mission in life as a nichiren daishonin & ikeda sensei's diciple