Sensei Guidance

Let's plant the seeds of joy & self-improvement in people's lives. (New Human Revolution #63)

Wednesday, 6 June 2007

A very funny 'Far Far Away'

Went to watch Shrek the 3rd with Kevin & Bing yesterday night. Wow, the movie is extremely will laugh from beginning to the end. remember the scene where the king die for 3 times before he actually die. Pinocchio, Ginger Breadman, Charming, princesses and Merlin are my favourites. Not forgetting Donkey and Puss. And Prince Charming's stage performance at the end are very amazing together with the special effects. It successfully capture the humour and making each character stands out throughout the movie. Each movies is getting better than the previous one. Nice, very nice.

The animation technique has obviously improved. The movement, skin tone and lightings are very real., making the characters acting like real actors and the facial expression is nicely done. One of the must watch movies in 2007.

Coming up, waiting for...
Ratatouille, Transformers, Fantastic 4 the Rise of the Silver Surfer, Harry Potter, Surf Up (maybe)...

Monday, 4 June 2007

Unexpected benefit

This few days have been busy with Gakkai meetings and duties. After becoming a leader, responsibilities are getting heavier, more things to worry about -- members and the future of Gakkai. However, i feel amazing for living a fulfilled life everyday, doing something ..creating values each day. i admit that last time i use to be afraid or do very care of how people judge or look at me. Thinking about it is silly. If we pour our hearts into whatever is correct and being passionate about it. we doesn't need to care about what people think.
Last Saturday i had actually chanted 3 hrs during the youth marathon chanting. Felt extremely great after that, setting goals and renewing my vows. Coming back from the Ceremony of the Air, i can really feel the positive life force that just can't be describe.
I had high hopes for Youth members in Malaysia and KL. I will do my best to encourage them and also shakubuku my friends, as Nichiren Daishonin Buddhism is truly Mystic ( 妙 ).

然后在星期天, 参加了新干部学习会。 感受很多。在次看回SGM的历史和前辈们的奋斗,再次激励我真的,真的要为全人类和真诚的会友们的幸福而像师匠般舍命地付出。学会真的是全世界最温暖的家。全部会友跟随着大圣人的教义,先生的指导,目标和期盼, 为世界和平,广宣流布的大愿,奋勇前进。互相关心和鼓励,无论你到世界的任何角落, 不同种族不同肤色,会友们以尊重每一个人的最高及伟大哲学,跨越一切困难和物名,为世界人的幸福奋斗。就因为每一个人都是佛, 是NMHRGK 的当体。会友们的真诚与真心的付出,是世界上的所有的宝物无法取代的。每次这都会感动到我,而令我更积极的奋斗下去。我真的很希望可以和我身边的人分享御本尊的力量和学会这美妙的团体。

最令我意想不到的是昨天我去了原本定在星期六晚上在R3 Setapak Center 的站岗,因开少年部会儿没去了,改为星期天。我又带了Sai Yong 去。当时在SC 是有Academy R (KTAR students which are members) 的会议。散会后, 一位女子部 (Pei Ling) 就和SaiYong 谈天,正等着另一名男子部去看 Musical Cheng Lock. Tan Cheng Lock 的舞台剧。在Istana Budaya. 她有很多免费票, 因为她的舞蹈团有份参与。结果我就三心两意的跟着他们去。但是因为是要站岗而只穿了短裤和一件又旧又大件的polo Shirt。PeiLing 连忙向她的housemate,另一名男子部借了条jeans. 结果就这样踏入Istana Budaya. 好尴尬哦。一向来很注重重要场合打扮的我, 竟然穿成这样到Istana Budaya!? 我也无法接受,但为了看舞台剧,还是硬着头皮去了。所以我不应该这么在乎别人怎么看我。

当晚的表演总算不错,讲述 Tun Tan Cheng Lock 的故事和大马独立前的历史。 日本攻击和欺负人民的那一幕,令我深深感受到当时的痛苦。还有最感人的就是有几夫妇因被英军怀疑是共产党而孩子们被带走, 叫苦连天。场面凄惨,而那妈妈也因悲伤过度而死了。他们的演技抢完了主角们的光。而Louisa Choeng 的鸡婆管家角色非常搞笑。故事有点闷而节奏控制也很怪,前半部就谈情说爱, 后半部则紧张,不过还好。歌曲方面就别提了。整个表演没太大的惊喜及创意上的突破。 不过演员们,舞蹈员们都很落力演出和工作人员也付出很多心血, 是非常有诚意的舞台剧,令我们回忆起我国独立前的生活和历史。



like the sun the rises in the east, eliminates all darkness and sorrow in this world... that is our mission in life as a nichiren daishonin & ikeda sensei's diciple