Sensei Guidance
Let's plant the seeds of joy & self-improvement in people's lives. (New Human Revolution #63)
Life unfolds with wonderful encounters each day... accepting the challenge with wisdom, courage and faith.. striving for the mission only you can fulfilled, making you a better person & revealing your inner buddha nature.
These are some pictures i have taken during my visit to melbourne in december 2003. It is an amazing trip, going beautiful places and seeing something that i can't see or feel in malaysia.
旅行所走的路,和所遇到的人,事和物,都给了我一份感触。这片土地,如此的生机勃勃,充满了生命。宇宙就如此的 “妙” 。世界和平和广宣流布的使命就靠我们 -- 人了。。。
Posted by edmund low at 1:14 pm
Labels: travelling